Dr. Shantanu Sharma Naturopathy Centre
Vrindavan's first and only destination for all types of holistic treatments
Treatments available -
* Naturopathy
* Water Therapy
* Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
* Chiropractic, Osteopathy
* Vacuum & Vibration Therapy
* Acupressure Therapy
* Physiotherapy
* Spiritual Touch Therapy
* Music & Sound Therapy
* Panchkarma
* Panchgavya Diet Therapy
* Acupuncture Therapy
* Cupping Therapy
* Advanced Bone Setting
Natural Treatment of Diseases -
* Metabolic Disorders Holistic Treatment
* Neurological & Psychosomatic Diseases
* Skin Diseases
* Heart Problems
* Male Reproductive Diseases
* Diabetes & Blood Pressure
* Eye Diseases
* Obesity Control
* Arthritis, Sciatica, Cervical Pain
* Backache, Migraine, Leucorrhoea
* Secret diseases, nerve problems
* Piles, Paralysis, Stones
* Menstrual irregularities
* Gynecological problems
* Fatty liver, diet therapy
* Treatment of bone muscle pain
* Natural treatment of skin and hair
* Kidney and urinary tract problems
* Thyroid problems
Dr. Shantanu Sharma BNYS, MDNYS, CMSED, DPT-
Meeting time: Monday to Saturday 5 to 7 pm
Mob. 9685117583, 9617389233 * Address - Opposite Kunj Bihari Parking Sunrakh Vrindavan
* Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation
Alcohol and other addiction related problems contact us for all decease solution 9685117583...9617389233